Latest Episodes
We value your company #26: The engine room (Chay Stockdale, Iridium Business Solutions)
Chay Stockdale started as a trainee at Iridium Business Solutions and worked his way up to being a shareholder and director in the company....
We value your company #25: Adventures in venture capital (Jeff Erickson, serial founder and director at Forecastr)
Jeff Erickson may currently be with Forecastr, but he has done many things leading up to this point. After a few minutes of talking...
We value your company #24: Life after exit (Attila Kadikoy, Levantine & Co)
Life after exit. This is what you’re working towards, isn’t it? The ability to not work around the clock and stress in ways that...
We value your company #23: Stages of business (John Barnes, Pendleton Street Advisors)
John Barnes was locked out of his office and his earphones refused to work. Luckily, we didn’t let this get in the way of...
We value your company #22: Protecting intellectual property (Eitan Stern, founder Legalese)
Eitan Stern of Legalese joined bizval podcast host The Finance Ghost to talk about how the firm works with entrepreneurs and founders. Disruption is...
We value your company #21: Building brands and businesses (Mike Abel, founder M&C Saatchi Abel)
Great advertising is about making the strange, familiar, or the familiar, strange! In Mike Abel’s world, it’s all about the customer and recognising that...